ESPN features oldest players in college football

University of Texas-San Antonio quarterback Frank Harris (above), one of the oldest players in college football, is one of the players featured on Friday on (Photo courtesy of NEWSBREAK.COM)
University of Texas-San Antonio quarterback Frank Harris (above), one of the oldest players in college football, is one of the players featured on Friday on (Photo courtesy of NEWSBREAK.COM)

Prior to the 2023 season starting, I ran into University of Texas-San Antonio quarterback Frank Harris in the hamburger-hot dog line.

Yeah, you read that right.

Harris was fixing his hamburger at the American Athletic Conference’s media days at Arlington back in July, and he couldn’t find the ketchup. Or the cheese. And he asked me. And I didn’t have an answer, either.

“What the heck?,” Harris said, with a laugh. And a voice came to our rescue.

“It’s at the very end,” a young lady told us. “It’s at the very end, down at the end of the line.”

“I was about to say,” Harris said, laughing. “I can’t eat my burger without cheese.”

ESPN has a nice feature on the oldest players in college football this season (College football’s senior citizens are in it for the long haul – ESPN) that includes Harris, one of the feel-good stories in college football the last year or so. Harris is the quarterback for coach Jeff Traylor’s Roadrunners at UTSA, and if you haven’t heard of him, he might be the best player you haven’t seen.

By the end of his college career, Harris will likely have over 10,000 passing yards. And the way the Roadrunners are winning, he might have something a little more special than that.



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